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Diagnosing Common Problems with Aluminium Hinged Windows

Diagnosing Common Problems with Aluminium Hinged Windows

Aluminium hinged windows are a popular choice for homeowners in New Zealand due to their excellent durability, simple design, and low maintenance requirements. However, like any home fixture, they can develop issues over time. Identifying and addressing these problems...

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What Does Western Lock Services Do?

What Does Western Lock Services Do?

At Western Lock Services, we offer a comprehensive range of locksmith services to meet your needs, whether you’re dealing with home, business, or automotive lock issues. Here’s an overview of the various services we provide: Residential: Our residential locksmith...

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Opening a Locked Sliding Glass Door: DIY vs Pros

Opening a Locked Sliding Glass Door: DIY vs Pros

Sliding glass doors are stylish and great for bringing in natural light while seamlessly connecting indoor and outdoor spaces. However, when they get stuck or you get locked out, troubleshooting can be frustrating. This guide explores DIY methods for opening a locked...

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DIY vs. Professional Locksmith: When to Call a Professional

DIY vs. Professional Locksmith: When to Call a Professional

At Western Lock Services, we understand the appeal of tackling home repairs on your own. While some lock issues can be handled with a DIY approach, others require the expertise of a professional locksmith. This guide will help you weigh the pros and cons of DIY vs...

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Top 5 Reasons to Rekey Your Home Locks

Top 5 Reasons to Rekey Your Home Locks

At Western Lock Services, we understand the importance of keeping your home secure. Rekeying home locks is a valuable service that enhances your home's security without replacing the entire lock. The good news is that we specialise in offering residential locksmith...

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Sliding Door Servicing

Are your sliding doors catching, sticking, and not sliding the way they should? This is more than likely a track and roller problem. If your track is not in line or your rollers are damaged, you may want to think about getting it serviced. If you are looking for a...

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3 Door Lock Problems That Should Not Be Ignored

The locks on your doors and windows are your first line of defence when it comes to securing your home or business. Like many other fixtures around your home or business, door locks will have problems locking and unlocking the door at some point. For instance, they...

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Sliding Door Faults and Repairs

With 50 + years of experience combined our team really knows what we're doing when it comes to repairing and servicing domestic sliding doors. Whether they are old or new.If your sliding door is making funny noises or you’re finding it hard to open and close, or even...

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